About Me

Louisville, KY, United States
If you see him around, tell him to cheer up.


Rabbits on walls!

So I guess this is something with which to start up this thing.

I really just wanted there to be oh so many rabbits, so I made some stencils, sprayed some paper, and here is the result:

I go out and stick them up in this wonderful spot, and when I get down to the street, I realize that they are just far too small. So I go home, make a fairly large stencil, spray it up, and then head back out. Results:

There's one kind of over to the left that is also cut out in outline form (a la the one on the right).

Still kind of too small, right? You can definitely see it driving under the bridge, but I consider it a work in progress. I'd like to make some ultraposters and smack them up between all of the rabbits. We'll see how that goes.

Anyway, this is my first paste. Thoughts?

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